Sunday, April 30, 2006

Week 2 of my digital scrapbooking class

I am learning so many shortcuts and tips for Photoshop Elements 4 during this class. There are things every week that are going to change the way I use that program. It seems that for everything that previously felt awkward while using PSE, there is an easier way to do it (duh!).

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Week 1 of Digital Scrapbooking Class

These are pages from the first week of my digital scrapbooking class. I am not sure how useful it is to scrapbook my digital life, but I am definitely learning a ton about Photoshop Elements!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

My Digital Life

I am taking an online class, Doing it Digi!, to learn more about Photoshop Elements and digital scrapbooking. Renee Pearson is teaching the class at We are making a mini-album about our digital life to apply our new Photoshop Elements knowledge. When I first read that were would be scrapbooking about our digital life I was not very excited, but now the idea has grown on me. Digital technology impacts everyone's life whether they intentionally include it or not. My life probably has more digital technology in it than others because I love technology and therefore seek it out.

Here are some examples of digital technology in my life:

  • old and new laptop
  • cell phone
  • thumb drive
  • digital camera
  • wireless broadband router and modem
  • digital video recorder to record my favorite shows
  • Photoshop Elements and other important software that makes my life easier and more enjoyable
  • email
  • XM satellite radio
  • blackboard technology that allowed me to get my Master's Degree online
  • DVD player
  • Greg's ipod
  • Greg's fancy shmancy work stuff
  • Playstation
  • digital scrapbooking
  • blogging
  • Dell Axim
  • the DVDs my Dad make of our family videos and the technology he uses to do it
  • video streaming cart at work
  • white board at work
  • message boards that allow me to connect with people that have my specific interests: and

What else...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Monday, April 03, 2006

This layout was created using elements from the 2peas March kit.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Driving home from Tim's birthday party today I found myself pondering the similarities between Jake and Ellwood. I acknowledge that Jake doesn't eat needles or get stuff stuck in his eyes, but in some ways they are two peas in a pod. Perhaps strongest common thread they have connecting them is the amount of love I feel for each of them.