Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ellwood and Isabella

Isabella is Diana's cute boxer puppy that came over to play with Ellwood. They had such a good time, but may never get to play again. Diana commented before she left that Isabella would be too big to play with Ellwood later. I am sure that this thinking stems from an incident last year with Sophie, Candace's dog, and Ellwood getting an eye scratched which led to a vet visit. My thinking about all of this is that I am not worried about Ellwood getting hurt. He is a tough little dog and I would rather he enjoy his life and perhaps be injured occasionally than be protected and never get to play with his favorite dog friends. (So take that Diana!) :) Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Looks like they had fun playing together.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ellwood,
I had a wonderful time playing with you. I'm so glad our parents finally just let us figure each other out. My mom tells me that I might be able to come and visit. She didn't mean to hurt your feelings. She just wanted to be sure you don't get your beautiful eyes hurt. I'm not sure if I will get to bring my big brother however, that might be too much. Well I am looking forward to seeing you again. Enjoy your wonderful backyard...I am totally jealous of it.

Your friend,

PS: I love the page Lilli put together so does my mom. :-)